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Data Analytics and AI Solutions

From Insight to Action: Putting Data to Work with Advanced Analytics and AI Solutions Tailored to Your Business

Our Data Analytics and AI Solutions are built to propel your business forward by turning data into actionable insights and competitive advantage.

At Beyond: Putting Data to Work, our team of experts guide you through the complexities of data analytics and artificial intelligence. From initial concept to final implementation, we work closely with you to develop and deploy solutions that not only meet your current needs but also anticipate future trends and challenges.

Recognising the transformative power of data, we also acknowledge the hurdles it presents. Our team leverages their deep expertise and real-world experiences to navigate these challenges, ensuring your data analytics and AI initiatives are successful in their implementation and value creation. We focus on delivering practical, impactful solutions that drive efficiency, innovation, and competitive advantage.

Unlocking Value: The benefits of our Data Analytics and AI Solutions

Image by Richard Horvath

Data Analytics and AI Solutions: Expertise

AI & Data Science Solutions

Navigate the future with AI and Data Science to drive growth and efficiency.

Data Analytics & Insights

Unlock actionable insights from your data to inform decision-making and strategy.

Optimisation & Strategy

Optimise operations and strategy with data-driven insights for superior performance.

Data Visualisation and BI/Reporting


Transform data into visual stories for clear, insightful decision-making.

AI and Data Science Solutions

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, leveraging AI and Data Science has become a cornerstone for businesses aiming to secure a competitive edge. At Beyond, we specialise in harnessing the power of advanced technologies to transform data into actionable insights.


Our bespoke AI solutions, expert data science consulting, and cutting-edge predictive models are designed to unlock new opportunities, optimise operations, and enable smarter decision-making.

AI Solutions

Discover how our AI solutions can automate your processes, enhance decision-making, and revolutionise customer experiences.

Data Science Consulting

Explore how to bring the power of data science to your strategic planning and harness your data for maximum impact.

Predictive Models and Forecasting

Uncover how predicitive analytics can transform your approach to market trends, customer behavior, and business planning.

AI and Data Science
Data Analytics and Insight

Data Analytics and Insights

In today’s data-centric world, navigating through the vast amounts of data to uncover valuable insights is crucial for any business aiming to stay ahead.


Our Data Analytics & Insights services focus on the data analytics consulting, descriptive analytics, and advanced customer segmentation capabilities to provide you with the clarity and depth of understanding required to not only comprehend your data but to also extract meaningful, actionable insights from it. 

Data Analytics Consulting

Gain expert guidance to leverage your data effectively and develop your data asset.

Descriptive Analytics

Unlock and understand the story behind your past and present data.

Advanced Customer Segmentation

Unlock targeted personalisation strategies with precise customer insights.

Optimisation & Strategy

Elevate business performance through targeted data analysis and strategic implementation.   We focus on conversion rate optimisation, churn prediction, and workforce analytics to streamline your operations, refine marketing strategies, and optimise resource management.


Beyond's expertise in data-driven optimisation offers you the tools to both respond to market dynamics effectively and anticipate changes, ensuring your business remains agile and ahead of the curve.

Conversion Rate Optimisation

Maximise your digital platforms' efficiency and profitability.

Churn Prediction

Predict and prevent customer turnover with actionable data insights.

Workforce Analytics

Enhance HR strategies and operations with data-driven decision-making.

Optimisation and Strategy

Data Visualisation and BI/Reporting

Transform complex data into compelling visual stories and drive data driven decision making with our Data Visualisation and BI/Reporting services.


Beyond provides visualisation techniques and business intelligence solutions that make understanding data accessible for decision-makers across your organisation. From interactive dashboards to in-depth reports, our services are designed to illuminate insights and trends, empowering you to make data-backed decisions with confidence. 

Data Visualisation

See your data in a new light with dynamic visual storytelling.

BI & Reporting Services

Access comprehensive reports and analytics for informed decision-making.

Data Visualisation and Reporting

Explore our client stories in Data Analytics and AI Solutions

Image by Galen Crout

AI-Driven Global Strategy at Maersk

Capitalizing on Beyond's Data Consulting and AI Solutions to Navigate Complex Logistics with AI-Enhanced Precision and Insight-Driven Operations

Image by Francois Olwage

Transforming Customer Experiences

Leveraging Beyond's Data Consulting, AI and Data Science Capabilities to Deliver Best-in-Class Customer Experiences and Customer Relationship Management across the Virgin Group

Image by Denys Rodionenko

Transforming Fuel Cards and Fleet Management

Empowering Fleetcor with Beyond's Data Consulting, Advanced AI Solutions, and Robust Data Ecosystems for Enduring Market Leadership.


Why Choose Beyond?


Our team of seasoned consultants has decades of combined experience in data strategy and consulting. We bring deep industry knowledge and hands on experience to every engagement.

Customised Solutions

We provide tailored solutions that fit with where you are on your data journey to address your unique data needs and challenges, ensuring a perfect fit for your organisation.

Value-Driven Approach

Our focus is on delivering real value through our services. We work to identify opportunities for cost savings, revenue generation, and process improvements.

End-to-End Support

We are with you every step of the way, from initial assessment to implementation and beyond. We are committed to your success.

Examples Of Our Work

Image by Towfiqu barbhuiya

Data-Driven Innovation in Payment Solutions

A strategic partnership with Visa, helping them transform payments data into competitive advantage.

Image by Kutan Ural

Transforming healthcare workforce management

A strategic partnership with NHS Professionals, helping them become a data driven organisation.

Image by Nathan Fertig

Data Driven Omni-Channel Retail

A strategic partnership with DFS Group helping them to lead furniture retailing in the digital age.

Image by Denys Rodionenko

Transforming Fuel Cards and Fleet Management

A strategic partnership with Fleetcor to drive data usage across the global organisation.

putting data to work logo

Beyond: Putting Data to Work and Beyond Analysis  are committed to protecting your information. Your information will be used in accordance with the applicable data privacy law, our internal policies and our privacy policy. As a global organisation, your information may be stored and processed by The Company and its affiliates in countries outside your country of residence, but wherever your information is processed, we will handle it with the same care and respect for your privacy. We are committed to proactively adhering to the principles of the forthcoming EU AI Act to ensure that our AI solutions are ethical and transparent.

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© 2024 Beyond: Putting Data to WorkTM

Registered Address: 7 Bell Yard, London, WC2A 2JR

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