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Carbon Reduction Plan


1. Executive Summary

Beyond: Putting Data to Work Ltd is committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2030.

This carbon reduction plan (CRP) outlines strategies for the business which already operates without a physical office to reduce its carbon footprint. The plan focuses on minimising emissions associated with remote work, business travel, and other operational activities.


2. Meeting the Reporting Requirements

This Carbon Reduction Plan complies with PPN 06/21 as published by the Cabinet Office in June 2021. This document will be reviewed and updated annually.


3. Baseline Emissions Footprint

Baseline emissions are a record of the greenhouse gases that have been produced in the past and were produced prior to the introduction of any strategies to reduce emissions. Baseline emissions are the reference point against which emissions reduction can be measured.



Baseline Year: 1.11.2020 - 31.10.2021


Additional Details relating to the Baseline Emissions calculations.


Nov 2020 to Oct 2021 the first measure of Baseline Emissions as Beyond: Putting Data to Work

Ltd as this has not been reported previously.


Baseline year emissions: Nov 2020 - Oct 2021


EMISSIONS                                                TOTAL 9 tCO2e


Scope 1                                                             N/A. Beyond: Putting Data to Work Ltd does not own any fleet vehicles

                                                                           or have any possible emissions from office equipment as all staff

                                                                           members are home, not office based.


                                                                            Direct emissions from owned or controlled sources e.g., fleet

                                                                            vehicles, gas emissions from boilers and air-conditioning refrigerant




Scope 2                                                            6 tCO2e


                                                                           Indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy, from a     

                                                                           utility provider



Scope 3                                                            3 tCO2e

​(Included Sources)



                                                                      Tonnes of CO2e Flight Details

                                                                            0.5 Economy class direct return flight from LCY to VNO

                                                                            0.5 Economy class direct return flight from VNO to LCY

                                                                            0.5 Economy class direct return flight from VNO to LCY

                                                                            0.3 Economy class direct return flight from EDI to LHR

                                                                            0.3 Economy class direct return flight from EDI to LHR

                                                                       2.1 Total footprint for flights



                                                                      Cars & Vans


                                                                      Tonnes of CO2e Car & Van Details Flight Details

                                                                            0.1 549 miles in a Average Car Diesel Car Average diesel car averagevalue

                                                                            ​0.2 507 miles in a Average Car LPG Car Large LPG car average value 0.2

                                                                            500 miles in a Average Car Diesel Car Large diesel car above 2.0 litre

                                                                            average value

                                                                       0.5 Total footprint for cars & vans




                                                                        Vehicle Fuel


                                                                        Tonnes of CO2e Fuel Details

                                                                              0.0 (no data supplied)

                                                                        ​0.0 Total footprint for vehicle fuel




                                                                        Tonnes of CO2e Mode Of Transport

                                                                            ​  0.4 6896 miles travelled by national rail

                                                                              0.0 47 miles travelled by taxi

                                                                         0.4 Total rail footprint


Total Emissions                                                 9 tCO2e



2022 was forecast to be higher than 2021 to reflect limited operations such as domestic and international business travel necessary with Covid restrictions on travel.


Scope 3 emissions rose as overseas markets where the business conducts business become available for office visits and business development through conferences and trade events post Covid-19.




Current Emissions Reporting​


​Reporting Year: 1.11.2022 - 31.10.2023


EMISSIONS                                                TOTAL (tCO2e)

Scope 1                                                            0 tCO2e

Scope 2                                                           16.86 tCO2e

Scope 3                                                           17.33 tCO2e

​(Included Sources)


                                                                          4.0 Economy class direct return flight from LCY to VNO (x8)

                                                                          4.0 Economy class direct return flight from VNO to LCY (x8)

                                                                          1.77 Economy class direct return flight from NYC to LHR (x3)

                                                                          1.77 Economy class direct return flight from LHR to NYC (x3)

                                                                          0.99 Economy class direct return flight from LHR to BCN (x4)

                                                                          0.99 Economy class direct return flight from BCN to LHR (x4)

                                                                     11.524 Total footprints for flights 


                                                                     Cars & Vans


                                                                     Tonnes of CO2e Car & Van Details Details

                                                                           1.26000 miles in a Average Car Diesel Car Average diesel caraveragevalue

                                                                           â€‹0.6 1587 miles in a Average Car LPG Car Large LPG car average value

                                                                           0.82000 miles in a Average Car Diesel Car Large diesel car above 2.0 litre

                                                                           average value

                                                                      2.6 Total footprint for cars & vans


                                                                     Vehicle Fuel


                                                                     Tonnes of CO2e Fuel Details

                                                                          0.0 (no data supplied)

                                                                     0.0 Total footprint for vehicle fuel




                                                                     Tonnes of CO2e Mode Of Transport

                                                                           1.017,240 miles travelled by national rail

                                                                           0.2532 miles travelled by taxi

                                                                      1.2 Total rail footprint


Total Emissions                                             34.19 tCO2e



5. Emissions reduction targets

In order to continue our progress to achieving Net Zero, we have adopted the following carbon reduction targets.


Period to 2025: Carbon reduction to 20t

Period to 2030: Carbon reduction to net zero



6. Carbon Reduction Projects

The following environmental management measures and projects have been implemented prior to setting the 2021 baseline.



7. Current Carbon Reduction Measures

Whilst the Business did not measure carbon emissions prior to 1.11.20 steps were underway and continue in order to reduce the impact on

carbon emissions;


  • Closure of the London office in favour of an efficient and healthy home working environment included dramatic reduction in Scope 1 emissions from the removal of energy usage of an office and reduced commuting impact on Scope 3 for London based staff positively.


  • Upgrade from the use of Zoom to Microsoft Teams to ensure better quality of communications through a fully remote team to reduce face to face meeting needs.


  • Once COVID restrictions were lifted the business introduced a one day per week office system utilising shared office space to reduce wastage. No parking is available in this Central London location to ensure public transport is used.


We project that carbon emissions per person will decrease over the next five years to 2.25 tCO2e per employee by 2027. This is a reduction of 10%. The measures detailed below will ensure the NetZero goal by 2030.


Further measures include:

Carbon Reduction Activities


8. 2022/2023

  • Company-wide education on reducing carbon emissions in the workplace/home office.

  • Provide education to all staff members on the environmental impact of their commuting fuel choice to encourage switch to lower emissions. Investigation of salary sacrifice scheme to purchase electric vehicles only.

  • More accurate recording of the carbon footprint from employee’s homeworking to inform possible reduction strategies and offsets required.

  • Sensible use of Teams as an alternative to all in person meetings.

  • ‘Right person in the room’ policy to proactively ensure that only the right individuals are present for in person meetings.



9. 2023/2024

  • Policy for employees to use public transport for business travel, when possible, to do so.

  • Office based working limited to flexible working space in London to encourage hybrid working from home.

  • Addition of carbon reduction targets to all manager’s KPIs to ensure business plans and processes are mindful of the reduction that is required.

  • Work with our clients to help their business to deliver sustainable solutions and problem solving to business processes.

  • The addition of sustainability including carbon emissions reduction efforts will be reviewed quarterly at the Management Quality. Meeting and will be included in the ISO 9001 Continuous improvement plan.

  • Plans to achieve net zero to be added to the Approved Suppliers Form as criteria for consideration.\




10. Carbon Offset Plan

1. The Business plans to further promote carbon neutrality by engaging with a third party business to offset necessary carbon emissions generated by the Company.


11. Declaration and Sign Off

This Carbon Reduction Plan has been completed in accordance with PPN 06/21 and associated guidance and reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans.


Emissions have been reported and recorded in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the GHG Reporting Protocol corporate standard1 and uses the appropriate Government emission conversion factors for greenhouse gas company reporting2


Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions have been reported in accordance with SECR requirements, and the required subset of Scope 3 emissions have been reported in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard3






This Carbon Reduction Plan has been reviewed and signed off by the board of directors

(or equivalent management body).


Signed on behalf of the Supplier:






Date: 12.12.23


Screenshot 2024-07-25 at 16.32.40.png
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Beyond: Putting Data to Work and Beyond Analysis  are committed to protecting your information. Your information will be used in accordance with the applicable data privacy law, our internal policies and our privacy policy. As a global organisation, your information may be stored and processed by The Company and its affiliates in countries outside your country of residence, but wherever your information is processed, we will handle it with the same care and respect for your privacy. We are committed to proactively adhering to the principles of the forthcoming EU AI Act to ensure that our AI solutions are ethical and transparent.

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© 2025 Beyond: Putting Data to WorkTM


Registered Address: 7 Bell Yard, London, WC2A 2JR

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