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Leveraging Generative AI in Business: Insights and Strategic Approaches

In the current business landscape, the rapid ascent of Generative AI (GenAI) technologies, exemplified by platforms like ChatGPT, is reshaping the contours of how businesses engage with data, craft customer experiences, and streamline operations. At Beyond: Putting Data to Work, we recognize the transformative potential of GenAI to usher in a new era of innovation and efficiency. Drawing upon insights from a Gartner report  (How to Choose an Approach for Deploying Generative AI - 7 July 2023. By Arun Chandrasekaran, Leinar Ramos, Rajesh Kandaswamy), this article delves into the various deployment approaches of GenAI, offering businesses a strategic lens to view and navigate the complex yet promising domain of GenAI applications.

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The Transformative Potential of Generative AI in Business

GenAI stands at the forefront of technological innovation, offering unparalleled capabilities in processing and generating human-like text, making sense of vast data sets, and automating complex tasks. From enhancing customer service through conversational AI to forecasting market trends with predictive analytics, GenAI's applications are vast and varied. Its ability to not just analyse but generate new content and solutions marks a pivotal shift in AI's role from a passive tool to an active driver of business strategy.

Understanding GenAI Deployment Approaches

As outlined in the Gartner report, the evolution of GenAI technologies presents a spectrum of deployment strategies, each with unique benefits, challenges, and considerations. The report identifies five key approaches to deploying GenAI, which are crucial for Chief Technology Officers (CTOs) and technology innovation leaders to understand and evaluate:

  1. Consume GenAI Embedded in Applications: This straightforward approach involves utilising off-the-shelf applications that have GenAI capabilities pre-integrated. This method is ideal for businesses seeking quick deployment and minimal technical overhead. Examples include creative design software with built-in image generation tools. The key advantage here is ease of use and rapid integration, though it may lack the depth of customisation desired by some organisations.

  2. Embed GenAI APIs into Custom Applications: Organisations can tailor their GenAI applications by embedding APIs from foundational models into custom-built software. This strategy allows for greater flexibility and specificity in addressing unique business needs through prompt engineering, where detailed instructions refine the AI's outputs. It combines the benefits of advanced GenAI capabilities with the customisability of in-house development.

  3. Extend GenAI via Data Retrieval: The Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) approach enhances GenAI outputs by incorporating external, domain-specific data into the AI's prompts. This method significantly improves the relevance and accuracy of GenAI responses for specialised tasks by leveraging an organisation's unique datasets without altering the foundational AI model.

  4. Extend GenAI via Fine-Tuning: Fine-tuning involves adapting a pre-trained model with additional, specific datasets to enhance its performance on particular tasks. While more resource-intensive than other methods, fine-tuning allows for deep customisation and can yield models that closely align with an organisation's operational needs and domain expertise.

  5. Build Custom Foundation Models: The most ambitious and technically demanding approach, building custom foundation models from scratch, offers the highest degree of specificity and control. Tailored entirely to an organisation's data and requirements, this strategy promises significant competitive advantages but requires substantial investment in data science resources and infrastructure.

Strategic Considerations for GenAI Deployment

Choosing the right GenAI deployment strategy necessitates a careful analysis of several factors, including the desired balance between customisation and complexity, cost implications, and the strategic alignment of GenAI initiatives with broader business goals. Gartner’s report emphasises that there is no one-size-fits-all solution; the optimal approach may vary based on specific use cases, organisational capabilities, and the rapidly evolving GenAI landscape.

Navigating Challenges and Future-proofing Strategies

As businesses embark on their GenAI journeys, they must remain vigilant about the technology's fast-paced advancements and emerging trends. Open-source models, prompt tuning, and the development of complex AI agents represent the frontier of GenAI innovation, offering new opportunities for businesses to enhance their applications and services.

Key Questions for Executives

To effectively navigate the GenAI landscape, executives should consider the following questions:

  1. How can we best align our GenAI deployment strategy with our business objectives and customer needs?

  2. What is the optimal balance between customisation and deployment complexity for our use cases?

  3. How do we navigate the cost implications of different GenAI deployment approaches?

  4. How can we ensure the security, privacy, and ethical use of GenAI within our organisation?

  5. What steps are we taking to future-proof our GenAI strategy against rapid technological advancements?


Generative AI represents a paradigm shift in the capabilities and applications of AI in business. By carefully selecting deployment approaches that align with their strategic objectives, organisations can unlock GenAI's full potential to drive innovation, enhance customer experiences, and maintain a competitive edge. At Beyond: Putting Data to Work, we are dedicated to empowering businesses to navigate this promising yet complex landscape, ensuring they leverage GenAI technologies to their fullest advantage.

To find out more about how Beyond can help you put your data to work using Generative AI visit us at

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