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Data & Insights Strategy

Humans Behind Beyond

William Beresford 

CSO, Beyond

"From my earliest days in technology, I have been fascinated not just by how things work, but by how they can work better for us all."

Stepping into the professional world, I began my career at Hoskyns, now known as Cap Gemini. Initially an intern, I was quickly absorbed into the core of strategic sales and account management.

This wasn't the typical entry through a graduate scheme focused on coding and project management; it was a direct plunge into the front lines with clients and marketing.


It was there, amidst the hustle of closing deals and crafting pitches for some of the largest technology outsourcing deals, that I saw the power of technology to not only support but also transform major businesses.

This early exposure to high-level strategy and client engagement set the foundation for my career, instilling a drive to blend technological innovation with strategic business outcomes.

Will's picture 

with year

McKinsey and Entrepreneurial Spirit

My time at McKinsey was a defining period in my career, marked by an immersion into an environment that was both challenging and intellectually stimulating. I was part of the Business Technology Office, a new venture at the time, which allowed me to engage deeply with the burgeoning tech landscape during the dot-com boom.


One of my most memorable projects involved setting up an online brokerage for a major bank. This task started with a casual conversation in a pub and grew into a full-fledged business launch. We had six months to assemble a team and build something from scratch.


This experience was exhilarating and cemented my love for entrepreneurial projects. It also highlighted the limitations of traditional consulting frameworks when dealing with highly creative and uncertain tech ventures, pushing me towards the realisation that my true passion lay in more innovative and dynamic environments.

Creativity and Leadership at Leo Burnett and Dunnhumby:

My time at McKinsey was a defining period in my career, marked by an immersion into an environment that was both challenging and intellectually stimulating. I was part of the Business Technology Office, a new venture at the time, which allowed me to engage deeply with the burgeoning tech landscape during the dot-com boom.


One of my most memorable projects involved setting up an online brokerage for a major bank. This task started with a casual conversation in a pub and grew into a full-fledged business launch. We had six months to assemble a team and build something from scratch.


This experience was exhilarating and cemented my love for entrepreneurial projects. It also highlighted the limitations of traditional consulting frameworks when dealing with highly creative and uncertain tech ventures, pushing me towards the realisation that my true passion lay in more innovative and dynamic environments.

Serious and focused financier accountant on paper work inside office, mature man using cal

Founding Beyond Analysis:

My experience with transformative projects in previous roles culminated in the founding of Beyond Analysis.


Recognising a significant gap in how businesses outside the supermarket sector leveraged data, I, along with Paul, launched our own venture.


We quickly started working with prominent brands like Waitrose, B&Q, and Visa. Our work with Visa involved creating innovative data cleansing and management routines, which in turn facilitated groundbreaking data solutions like Spendographics and Sectorgraphics.


These initiatives enabled banks to deliver spend-based loyalty programs, significantly enhancing customer engagement through data-driven personalisation.

Image by Startaê Team

Philosophy on Data and AI

At Beyond: Putting data to work, our philosophy is that AI and data must lead to actionable outcomes that fundamentally enhance business operations and customer satisfaction. The reality of data projects is that they often promise much but deliver little.


Therefore, we emphasise holistic solutions that not only consider the technology but also how it is implemented to drive real change. A poignant example was with a client who requested an attrition model. We delivered excellent predictive insights, but without changes in how they engaged customers, attrition rates remained unchanged. This taught us that the success of AI isn’t just in the intelligence it can provide, but in the actions it enables.

Serious and focused financier accountant on paper work inside office, mature man using cal

Leadership Philosophy

Throughout my career, I have learned that true leadership involves advocating for authenticity and integrity within the workplace. Growing up in a minority community taught me the significance of independence and resilience against discrimination.


These personal experiences shape my leadership style, emphasising the importance of an inclusive and supportive environment where everyone can be true to themselves.


This philosophy extends to how I manage teams and influence our corporate culture, ensuring that everyone can contribute to their fullest potential without fear of bias or inequity.

Vision for the Future

As we look to the future, I believe AI holds transformative potential beyond just commercial applications. Particularly in education and healthcare, AI can democratise access to quality resources and improve the efficacy of public services.


My personal commitment extends to using AI to enhance societal well-being, driven by a passion to make a meaningful impact. As a father, I am deeply invested in ensuring that technology not only advances business efficiency but also fosters a better world for future generations.

My personal commitment extends to using AI to enhance societal well-being, driven by a passion to make a meaningful impact. As a father, I am deeply invested in ensuring that technology not only advances business efficiency but also fosters a better world for future generations

Will's picture 

Explore our work in data and strategy consulting

Image by Galen Crout

AI-Driven Global Strategy at Maersk

Capitalizing on Beyond's Data Consulting and AI Solutions to Navigate Complex Logistics with AI-Enhanced Precision and Insight-Driven Operations

Image by Nathan Fertig

Data Driven
Omni-Channel Retail

A strategic partnership with DFS Group helping them to lead furniture retailing in the digital age.

Image by Denys Rodionenko

Transforming Fuel Cards and Fleet Management

Empowering Fleetcor with Beyond's Data Consulting, Advanced AI Solutions, and Robust Data Ecosystems for Enduring Market Leadership.

Why Choose Beyond?


Our team of seasoned consultants has decades of combined experience in data strategy and consulting. We bring deep industry knowledge and hands on experience to every engagement.

Customised Solutions

We provide tailored solutions that fit with where you are on your data journey to address your unique data needs and challenges, ensuring a perfect fit for your organisation.

Value-Driven Approach

Our focus is on delivering real value through our services. We work to identify opportunities for cost savings, revenue generation, and process improvements.

End-to-End Support

We are with you every step of the way, from initial assessment to implementation and beyond. We are committed to your success.

Examples Of Our Work

Image by Towfiqu barbhuiya

Data-Driven Innovation in Payment Solutions

A strategic partnership with Visa, helping them transform payments data into competitive advantage.

Image by Kutan Ural

Transforming healthcare workforce management

A strategic partnership with NHS Professionals, helping them become a data driven organisation.

Image by Nathan Fertig

Data Driven Omni-Channel Retail

A strategic partnership with DFS Group helping them to lead furniture retailing in the digital age.

Image by Denys Rodionenko

Transforming Fuel Cards and Fleet Management

A strategic partnership with Fleetcor to drive data usage across the global organisation.


putting data to work logo

Beyond: Putting Data to Work and Beyond Analysis  are committed to protecting your information. Your information will be used in accordance with the applicable data privacy law, our internal policies and our privacy policy. As a global organisation, your information may be stored and processed by The Company and its affiliates in countries outside your country of residence, but wherever your information is processed, we will handle it with the same care and respect for your privacy. We are committed to proactively adhering to the principles of the forthcoming EU AI Act to ensure that our AI solutions are ethical and transparent.

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© 2024 Beyond: Putting Data to WorkTM

Registered Address: 7 Bell Yard, London, WC2A 2JR

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